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Miscellaneous Chowan County, North Carolina Marriages - 4

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GROOM                               BRIDE                             BOND DATE    BONDSMAN/WITNESS
=====                               =====                             =========    ================
CABARRUS, Thomas                    RYAN, Mary B.                     12/24/1812   James Norfleet
CADAY, George                       CLEMENTS, Sarah                   2/21/1822    William H. Hall and Henry Wills
CADDY, James                        CANADY, Sarah                     12/28/1842   Thomas Jones and T.T. Hathaway
CADDY, John                         WARD, Lovey                       11/21/1849   John L. Batten and Wm. Skinner
CALE, John                          PARKER, Celia                     11/8/1785    Demsey Kail and Lott Brewster
CAMERON, John W.                    SMITH, Elizabeth A.               10/5/1841    James C. Bond and T.T. Hathaway
CAMPBELL, George                    TURNER( widow), Agness            1/21/1769    John Waggoner (ger)
CANADA, John                        PRICHARD, Rachel                  8/29/1827    Evan Simpson and Jnno. M. Jones
CANNON, Caltern C.                  WINSLOW, Martha                   12/12/1848   James J. Cannon, T.T. Hathaway
CANNON, James J.                    PARKER, Harriet E.                8/24/1844    Edward Brown and T.T. Hathaway
CARLILES, Willis                    SMITH, Hariott                    4/24/1833    Burrel Carliles and Edmund Hoskins
CARLISLE, Burrel                    TAYLOR, Cinthea _______           10/16/1832   Allen Wood and Edmund Hoskins
CARNEY, James                       VAIL, Mary                        1/10/1807    Aner Nash Vail and Wm. Norfleet
CARR, James                         JONES, Ann                        3/5/1776     Will Badham and Alexr. Gallatly
CARRUTHERS, John                    WILKINS, Elizabeth                2/15/1745    Jacob Carruthers (Perquimans Co.), Wm. Wilkins, 
                                                                                   James Luton, Robert Davis
CARTER, James                       HAUGHTON, Leah                    6/3/1773     Henry Gibbons, David Davis, Alexr. Gallatly
CARTER, Thomas M.                   NIXSON, Elizabeth                 11/24/1828   Delight Nixson and Edmund Hoskins
CARTER, William                     BOND, Sarah                       10/12/1795   Stephen Carpenter and Wm. Norfleet
CARTER, William                     HOUGH, Charlotte                  6/20/1786    Dominick Murray
CARTER, William                     LAUGHINGHAUSE, Sally              9/12/1835    George Harrell and Jas. Mills
CARUTHERS, William                  AMBROSE, Elizabeth                5/28/1789    Henry Jacobs and Jos. Blount
CASTALLARN, J. William              POPELSTON, Catherine              12/24/1812   Thomas Chambers, Jas. Norfleet
CHAMBERLIN, Joseph                  BARTEE, Dinah                     5/12/1795    Eli Bartee
CHAMBERS, Samuel                    JONES, Temperance                 10/12/1833   James Nesbitt and Edmund Hoskins
CHAMBERS, Thomas                    ENDLASS, Mary                     9/30/1789    Joseph Whedbee and Jos. Blount
CHAMBERS, Thomas                    POPLESTON, Penelope               3/28/1796    John Popleston and Wm. Norfleet
CHAMPION, Soloman                   HALSEY, Esther                    3/4/1797     Nathan Wilder and Wm. Norfleet
CHAPEL, Job                         BRINN, Ann                        8/22/1799    James Brinn, Wm. Norfleet
CHAPEL, William                     GODFREY, Tamer                    2/11/1824    Henry Wills
CHAPLIN, William                    SKINNER, Martha                   7/1/1852     Married by Js. D. Coulling (mg) 7/1/1852, Thomas C. Spruell, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
CHAPMAN, Joseph                     ORMOND (widow), Francis           6/17/1773    John Cunningham, Kenneth Cameron, Alexr. Gallatly
CHAPPEL, Caleb                      LANE, Mary Ann                    11/14/1865   John S. Chapel
CHAPPEL, Joseph                     LANE, Lovey                       3/5/1808     Henry Chappel
CHAPPEL, Josiah                     WALSH, Mary                       5/29/1787    Jacob Thomas and Jos. Blount
CHAPPEL, Thomas                     COPELAND, Ann                     8/22/1863    Elishu Copeland
CHAPPELL, Harvey                    SIMPSON, Mary                     2/7/1856     Married by D.V. Etheridge 2/7/1856, Quinton Hollowell, Wm. Skinner
CHAPPELL, Issac B.                  MITCHELL, Eliza                   2/19/1852    Married by Wm. Bratten (jp), 2/22/1852, Thomas Cochrane, Jr., 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
CHAPPELL, James                     FORD, Polly                       11/29/1803   William Ford and Wm. Norfleet
CHAPPELL, James                     FORD, Sarah                       11/25/1806   Josiah Ford and Wm. Norfleet
CHAPPELL, Johnathan Jr.             ROBERTS, Mary Elizabeth           2/2/1853     Married by D.V. Etheridge 2/3/1853, Henry Standin, Wm. Skinner
CHAPPELL, Joseph                    LANE, Esther                      3/31/1819    William Barker and Henry Wills
CHAPPLE, Richard                    JORDAN, Keziah                    5/1/1779     James Blount(dc)
CHARLTON, Jasper                    SLAUGHTER, Abigail                1/14/1757    Thomas Jones, clk
CHARLTON, Job                       CHARLTON, Bethia                  8/17/1793    Will Wilkins and Jos Blount
CHARLTON, Job                       STAMP, Mary                       9/20/torn?   William Hoskins, Romelus Leary, Evan Jones
CHARLTON, Job (col)                 DIXON (col), Frances              4/4/1868     Married by J.R.B. Hathaway (jp) 4/5/1868, Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Ned Leary and Amy Charlton; Bride is dau. of Emiline McDonald)
CHARLTON, John                      TUCKER, Bethiah                   6/25/1778    William Charlton and Frdk. Vail
CHARLTON, Thmas J.                  SUTTON, Deborah S.                11/30/1818   Josh. Horniblow and Henry Wills
CHARLTON, Thomas J.                 HAUGHTON, Hariett                 7/8/1823     George W. Barney, Henry Wills
CHARLTON, Thomas J.                 LEARY, Sarah                      3/27/1827    Samuel Charlton
CHESHIRE, Alexander                 HOSKINS, Sarah                    5/4/1833     Richard H. Thompson
CHESHIRE, Alexander Jr.             BURTON, Charlotte                 6/7/1858     Married by T. Judson Knapp, 6/9/1858, James H. Manning, Wm. Skinner
CHESHIRE, John                      BLOUNT, Elizabeth Ann             12/22/1812   Henry King and James Norfleet, clk
CHESHIRE, William H.                THOMAS, Sarah                     2/1/1817     Henderson Standin
CHESHIRE, Wilson                    HOSKINS, Sarah                    7/11/1789    Blank line
CHESTER, Samuel G.                  GARDNER, Eliza R.                 4/25/1817    George Bozman
CHEW, James                         ETHERIDGE, Susannah               5/23/1791    Robert Egan and Jos. Blount
CHEW, James                         HOMES, Hannah                     5/3/1788     Sackar Savage, Ann Blount
CHURCHILL, Ephraim                  ROBERTS, Harriett Ann             12/22/1857   Married by D.V. Etheridge, Micajah Steveson, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner 12/24/1857
CHURCHILL, John                     JORDAN, Penina                    9/13/1824    Ephraim Elliott and Henry Wills
CITEZEN, Whary                      PRATT, Elizabeth                  11/23/1827   Wm. G. Liles, Edmund Hoskins
CITIZEN, Charlton                   SPRUILL, Lewey                    5/21/1847    Joseph Taylor and T.T. Hathaway
CITIZEN, Issac                      BUSHEL, Betsy                     1/17/1809    Joseph Hodges and Jas. Norfleet
CLARK, Allen                        DUNSCOMB, Henrietta               11/10/1777   Michael Payne and James Blount (dc)
CLARK, William                      CHESHIRE, Tamer                   7/27/1808    Robert Keating and Wm. Norfleet
CLARKE, John Richard                WERTZ, Caroline                   2/2/1867     Married by Joseph A. Beebe 2/7/1867, Samuel J. Skinner, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
CLARKSON, John                      COREY, Penny                      7/13/1820    Robert Keating and Henry Wills
CLAYTON, Addison W.                 BOND, Elizabeth                   2/1/1845     Wm. H. Wilder and T.T. Hathaway
CLELAND, John                       WILKINS, Rebecca                  10/10/1752   John Wilkins, James Craven, Edmund Hatch, Will Halsey
CLEMENTS, John                      PERKINS, Ann                      7/8/1788     Frederick Clements and George McCulloh
CLEMENTS, Willaim                   COTTON, Elizabeth                 12/21/1825   James Rea
CLEMENTS, William                   SANSBURY, Mary                    11/11/1856   Married by Thomas Waff (mg) 11/13/1856, Robert S. Pratt, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
COBB, Jesse                         COLISS, Ruthy                     8/16/1820    Henry Cobb and Henry Wills
COCHRAN, Thomas                     WOOD, Elizabeth                   1/30/1810    Abraham Petijohn and Wm. Norfleet
COCHRAN, Thomas Jr.                 BENTON, Clarissa E.               9/20/1842    Thomas J. Hudgins
COFFIELD, Barnaba                   HIX, Siabae?                      8/14/1795    Frederick Simpson and Wm. Norfleet
COFFIELD, Bennett                   BOYCE, Elizabeth                  12/12/1818   Wm. J. Hardy and Henry Wills
COFFIELD, Frederick                 COLLINS, Patsey                   6/13/1796    Job Coffield and Wm Norfleet
COFFIELD, Henry                     BACCHUS, Ann                      12/29/1843   Jno. Bush and T.T.Hathaway
COFFIELD, Henry                     PARISH, Sara                      4/29/1825    Bennett Coffield and Henry Wills
COFFIELD, James                     KNOX, Lavinia                     6/22/1824    G.W. Barney and Henry Wills
COFFIELD, Jeremiah                  BANKS, Sarah                      9/27/1788    John Coffield
COFFIELD, Job                       NEWBERN, Mary                     11/23/1789   Reuben Small and Will Bateman
COFFIELD, John                      BUNCH, Grisswell                  2/23/1846    Cullen Mitchel and T.T. Hathaway
COFFIELD, John                      HOSKINS, Elizabeth                3/8/1757     Thomas Jones
COFFIELD, John                      ROBINSON, Sally                   8/11/1809    Solomon Burris and Jas. Norfleet
COFFIELD, John                      THOMPSON, Elizabeth               3/20/1778    William Jackson and Nathl. Allen
COFFIELD, John Jr.                  TOPPING, Dorthy                   4/3/1817     Issac Hobbs
COFFIELD, Joshua (col)              CULLINS(col), Mahala              1/28/1867    Married by D.V. Etheridge 1/30/1867, John Coffield, Wm. Skinner
COFFIELD, Martin                    BUFKIN, Rachel                    12/21/1857   Married by Drew Welch (jp), 12/23/1857, Edwin Byrum and Wm. Skinner
COFFIELD, Reuben (col)              PAGE (col), Mary Jane             4/27/1867    Married by J.A. Beebe 5/2/1867, Henderson Bond and Wm. Skinner
COFFIELD, William                   SIMPSON, Margaret                 1/18/1844    Benjamin Howcott and T.T. Hathaway
COKE, George H.                     SKINNER, Caroline                 12/10/1857   Married by Wm. E. Snowden (mg), 12/10/1857, Benjamin Bullock and 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
COLE,John                           WOOD, Mary                        5/27/1767    James Woodbine and Thomas Jones
COLLAGAN, William                   CARR, Hannah                      4/14/1787    Michael McKeal and James Sutton
COLLINS, Issac                      TREADWELL, Ann                    1/12/1867    Married by P.F. August (mg), 1/26/1867, Thomas C. Spruell, Wm. Skinner
COLLINS, John                       HINTON, Sarah                     2/6/1779     George Russell and Wm. Righton
COLLINS, Joseph                     JOHNSTON, Mollie                  8/5/1868     Married by John Williams (mg) and Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of Issac 
                                                                                   and Colista; Bride is dau. of Joseph and Tamar Gilbert Johnston)
COLLINS, Thomas                     MING, Ameritta                    1/25/1742    Nathaniel King, Thomas Ward, Richard McClure
COLMAN, Daniel                      WELLWOOD ?, Ellener               5/23/1753    John Astie and Will. Halsey
COLVER, Aaron                       LILES, Anne                       7/27/1785    Henry Drake Watson and Lott Brewster
COOK, William                       PETTIJOHN, Frances                5/29/1810    John Norcom and James Norfleet
COPELAND, Alexander                 WARD, Lavinia                     2/12/1866    Married by D.V. Etheridge 2/14/1866, William G. Ward, Wm. R. Skinner
COPELAND, Andrew                    JORDAN, Anna Mariah               10/18/1860   Married by Drew Welsh, (jp), 10/18/1860, Dorsey C. Ward, Wm. Skinner
COPELAND, David                     LANG, Mary                        11/5/1859    Married by Wm. Norfleet (mg), Joseph Price, Wm. Skinner
COPELAND, Elihue                    WINSLOW, Mary Jane                4/5/1859     Married by Drew Welch(jp) Josephus Copeland, Wm. Skinner 4/6/1859
COPELAND, Elisha                    BULLOCK, Eliza                    11/12/1814   John Popelston and Wm. Norfleet (d. clk)
COPELAND, Joseph                    JORDAN, Rachel                    10/25/1854   Married by West Leary 11/9/1854, Timothy Copeland, Wm. Skinner
COPELAND, Joseph G.                 WINSLOW, Elizabeth                12/23/1856   Married by Drew Welsh (jp), 12/24/1856, Phineas Copeland and Wm.Skinner
COPELAND, Joseph Jr.                BOYCE, Susand                     1/12/1848    Elijah Smith and T.T. Hathaway
COPELAND, Josiah                    BIRUM, Christian                  3/14/1825    William Birum and Henry Wills
COPELAND, Phineas                   LANE, Jane E.                     2/23/1852    Married by Drew Welsh (jp), 2/26/1852, Wm. D. White and Wm. Skinner
COPELAND, Thomas J.                 WARD, Rachel                      11/28/1850   Henry R. Chappell
COPELAND, Timothy                   COFFIELD, Ann Elizabeth           10/15/1859   Married by Jas. D. Wynn, (jp), 10/16/1859, Elijah Smith and Wm.R. Skinner
COPELAND, Timothy                   VEASEY, Elizabeth                 1/30/1847    Issac Byrum, Jr. and T.T. Hathaway
COPELAND, Willis                    HOBBS, Leah                       9/16/1815    Jonathan Ward and William Norfleet
CORPREW, Thomas                     CALE, Sarah                       7/31/1747    Miles Cale, Jr. and Ester Delon, Henry Delon
COSTEN, James K.                    WHITE, Mary                       5/16/1846    Rizop Rawls and T.T. Hathaway
COTTEN, Lemuel                      HAUGHTON, Elizabeth               3/10/1817    Thomas H. Leary
COTTEN, Lemuel                      STANDIN, Parthenea                11/23/1809   blank line
COTTON, Falston W.L.                BOGUE, Elizabeth                  12/27/1820   Thomas F. Ashburn and Henry Wills
COTTON, Falstone                    WHIDBEE, Mariam                   8/24/1813    John C. Baines
COTTON, James                       LUTEN, Sarah                      7/5/1786     Ivey Purdie and L. Brewster
COURIS, John                        HARRISON, Anne                    7/9/1808     Robert Harrison and Wm. Norfleet
COWPER, William                     DOEBER(widow), Chrinon            1/15/1778    Thomas Granbery and James Blount(dc)
COX, John                           BLOUNT, Nelly G.                  12/28/1815   Thomas Cox
COX, John                           CHARLTON, Mary                    1/6/1790     John Frasel
COX, John                           CLARK, Ann B.P.                   4/27/1820    Jno. Cheshire
COX,Henry (col)                     BLOUNT(col), Priscilla            1/8/1867     Married by Wm. J. Norfleet, (mg), 1/10/1867, Richard Felton, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
CRAFFORD, Andrew                    LONG, Charlotte                   9/23/1791    John Beasley, Holliday Walton, Jos. Blount
CREECY, Augustus R.                 PIERCEY, Mary                     3/18/1858    Married by D.V.Etheridge 3//18/1857, Jon Smith, Wm. Skinner
CREECY, Charles                     BEASLEY, Elizabeth                2/7/1833     Valentine Beasley, Edmund Hoskins
CREECY, Charles                     BEASLEY, Mary                     12/18/1827   Robert Beasley
CREECY, James R.                    BENBURY, Penelope                 7/21/1812    Benjamin Norcom, William Norfleet
CREECY, Jerry                       REED, Penny                       9/12/1868    Married by Joseph A. Beebe 9/15/1866 Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Sam'l Copeland and Milly Creecy; Bride is dau. of John and Chloe Long)
CREECY, John (col)                  MIXSON (col), Adaline             7/5/1866     Married by Joseph A Beebe, 7/5/1866, Anderson Luton, Wm. Skinner
CREECY, Joseph L.                   TROTMAN, Sophia                   3/31/1823    Henry Wills
CREECY, Joshua                      BENBURY, Mary                     10/3/1807    Benjamin Norcom and Jas. Norfleet
CREECY, Levi                        HOUGHTON, Mary                    10/1/1750    Job Charlston and Will Mearns
CREECY, Robert                      WESTON, Parthenia                 11/20/1826   William J. Satterfield and Henry Wills
CREECY, Spencer                     BUNCH, Rosetta                    1/11/1868    Married by Lemuel W. Boon, (mg) 1/12/1868, Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Samuel and Phyllis; Bride is dau. of Peter Moon and Lethea Bunch)
CREECY, William F.                  BRINKLEY, Sarah E.                3/9/1848     James Norfleet and T.T. Hathaway
CRICKET, Jno (of Bertie Co.)        NICHCOLS, Mary                    6/6/1744     Soloman King, William Arkill, Edmund Hatch
CRISMAN, Joseph Leonard             BLOUNT, Margaret                  4/17/1785    Joseph Whedbee, Lott Brewster
CROCKER, Ira                        LEATH, Sally                      7/22/1800    James Hathaway and Wm. Norfleet
CROMARTIE, Thomas                   DOUD, Sarah                       7/23/1768    John Browne, Ivey Purdy, George Brownrigg, Jno. Creecy
CROMLISS, Owen                      RALEY, Katherine                  1/18/1763    Joseph Curtice and Thom. Jones
CROSS, Hardy                        BROWNRIGG, Mary                   9/6/1828     Hardy Cross, Richard T. Brownrigg, Edmund Hoskins
CRUTHERS, Wilson                    DALE, Sarah                       3/25/1843    John Skinner and T.T. Hathaway
CULLEN, Nicholas                    WILLIAMS (widow), Mary            10/21/1757   Thomas Jones, clk.
CULLENS, Jacob                      TROTMAN, Hannah                   12/15/1802   Harmon Hurdle
CULLIFER, Benjamin                  ASHLEY, Judith                    4/10/1850    Starkey Perry
CULLIFER, James C.                  SMITH, Sally Ann                  7/30/1846    Abram Cullipher and T.T. Hathaway
CULLINS, Nathan L.                  BENBURY, Mary                     5/4/1854     Married by Q.H. Trotman, Joseph S. Jones, Wm. Skinner on blank line
CULPEPPER, Thomas                   RAFFERTY, Emily                   2/5/1852     Married by D. McDonald (jp), 2/5/1852, William Phelps, Wm. Skinner
CUNNINGHAM, James                   ELLIS, Elizabeth                  4/17/1795    Michael McKeel, Wm. Norfleet
CURRIE, David                       BUTLER, Esther                    2/4/1791     Arthur Butler and Jos. Blount
CURTIS, John                        LITTLEDALE, Elizabeth S.          10/11/1777   Edward Tinker and James Blount (dc)
CURTIS, Nehediah                    CHINA, Elizabeth                  11/30/1801   John Proctor and Wm. Norfleet
CUTERAL, William                    PERRY, Mary                       7/14/1827    Wm. Grimes
DADMAN, William                     WARNER, Happy                     6/1/1790     Michl. McKeel
DAIL, Charles                       BUNCH, Charity                    9/9/1859     Married by Silas White on 9/12/1859, James Garrett, Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Elisha                        MITCHEL, Achsa                    12/24/1841   Daniel Hollowell, T.T. Hathaway
DAIL, Henry                         ASBILL, Elizabeth                 3/2/1852     Married by Wm. Bratten (jp) on 3/4/1852, James Asbill Jr., Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Isaiah                        BYRUM, Miley                      1/28/1862    Married by D.V.Etheridge on 1/30/1862, Zachariah Boyce, Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Joseph                        BARKER, Jane                      5/31/1859    Married by Henderson Simpson, (jp) on 6/2/1859, John Brinn, Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Joseph                        HUNTER, Sarah                     11/2/1857    Married by D.V.Etheridge on 11/4/1857, Andrew J. Sutton, Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Joseph                        WRIGHT, Margaret                  3/11/1864    Married by Jos. T. Waff, (jp), John S. Leary, Wm. Skinner
DAIL, Julius                        MITCHELL, Sarah                   11/26/1824   Willis Brinn and Henry Wills
DAIL, Nathan                        BUNCH, Milly                      4/30/1811    Joseph Parish and Wm. Norfleet
DAIL, William                       BUNCH, Fanny                      8/29/1820    Lemuel Garrett and Wm. Norfleet
DAIL, William                       GOODWIN, Nancy                    2/14/1865    Married by D.V. Etheridge 2/16/1865, Isaiah Dail and Wm. Skinner
DAIL, William                       JORDAN, Mary                      4/28/1824    Nathan Dails and Henry Wills
DANIEL, Uriah                       HARROD, Amy                       12/23/1795   Thomas Bacost and Wm. Norfleet
DANIEL, Watson L.                   GREGORY, Priscilla A.             10/13/1856   Married by W.E. Snowden, 10/13/1856, James Norfleet, Wm. Skinner
DANIEL, William                     SOWELL, Mary                      10/12/1793   Soloman Bunch and Jos. Blount
DARBY, John                         PURDY, Kesiah                     7/14/1772    Thomas Jones, Ivey Purdy, Alexr. Gallatly
DARDEN, Alfred M.                   HOLLY, M.E.                       8/6/1864     Married by F.Evans (jp), 8/11/1864, Wm. E. Bond, Wm. Skinner
DAVENPORT, Cornelius C.             WYNNE, Lydia                      1/27/1859    Married by T. Judson Knapp (mg), P.F. White, Wm. Skinner
DAVENPORT, Ephraim                  SPEIGHT, Mary E.                  2/24/1843    David Wright and T.T. Hathaway
DAVENPORT, Richard                  CHATMAN, Elsey                    2/12/1839    William Bush and Jno. Bush
DAVENPORT, William                  CHESHIRE, Florence                2/14/1865    Married by West. Leary (mg) 2/23/1865, Thomas Smith, Wm. Skinner.
                                                                                   (Bride is dau. of Agnes and stepdau. of Ephraim B. Elliot)
DAVERSON, Isacc                     ASHLEY, Nancy                     2/26/1835    Allen Small and Edmund Hoskins
DAVERSON, Isacc                     JAMISON, Sarah                    7/20/1818    Ephraim Ward and Henry Wills
DAVERSON, John                      ASHLEY, Salley                    6/9/1812     Johnathan Ashley and Jas. Norfleet, clk
DAVIESON, John                      PRICE, Elishia Christinah         3/23/1757    Will Halsey and James McConnell
DAVIESON, John                      WILLIAMS, Margaret                12/16/1751   Edmund Hatch, Evan Jones, John Cleland, Jonathan Gibson
DAVIS, Caleb                        BEASLEY, Elizabeth                2/23/1811    Leonard Martin
DAVIS, Caleb                        ELLIOTT, Sally                    1/4/1815     Thomas Taylor and Will Norfleet
DAVIS, Henry Boyd                   JACOBS, Elizabeth                 12/2/1787    John Harford and Geo. McCulloh
DAVIS, John                         NELSON, Rebecca                   4/22/1816    William Burke and Henry Wills
DAVIS, Washington                   HAUGHTON, Louisa                  4/10/1866    Married by Joseph A. Beebe (mg), 4/15/1866, Major Farriboult, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
DAVIS, William                      STIRON, Elizabeth                 11/14/1778   James Cole
DAVIS, William (col)                WARREN, Anica                     3/29/1866    Frederick Warren and Wm. Skinner
DAVISON, John F.                    STACEY, Sarah                     10/18/1817   Wm Ashley and Henry Wills, Jr.
DAWES, William Story                JACKSON, Fanny                    7/18/1785    Henry Flurey and Lott Brewster
DAWS, Jacob                         McGUIRE, Mary                     12/20/1800   Jacob Boyce and Wm. Norfleet
DAWS, Jacob                         PETTIJOHN, Susanne                12/28/1819   Isacc Pettijohn and Henry Wills
DAWSON, Henry (col)                 GOODWIN (col), Elizabeth          1/16/1867    Married by R.D. Simpson, 1/19/1867, Wm Hurdle, Wm. Skinner
DEAL, John                          POOL, Manly Ann                   7/20/1867    Married 7/21/1867, by West Leary, Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of Elisha Reid 
                                                                                   and Sallie Smith; Bride is dau. of Gilus and Mary Mitchel)
DEALE, Malachi                      STACEY, Elizabeth                 12/4/1786    Mead Ashley and Lott. Brewster
DEAN, Stewart                       NIEL, Isabella                    12/29/1829   Charles C. Taber and Edmond Hoskins
DEBARROW, Manuel                    WARD, Nancy                       4/7/1804     Dominque Murer and Wm. Norfleet
DECAMP, James                       CLARKSON (widow), Elizabeth       1/2/1790     Thomas Seaman
DECOST, Joseph                      HOUSE, Mary                       5/15/1802    Johan Kriglis and Wm. Norfleet
DEMARD, John Baptist                DE CLUGNY, Marie                  3/21/1796    Anthony C.S.B. De Clugny and Wm. Norfleet
DEMPSEY, Elijah                     WHITE, Sally                      1/12/1857    Simon Cullifer, Wm. Skinner
DEMPSEY, Henry (col)                KELLEY (col), Eliline             12/24/1841   William Kelley, T.T. Hathaway
DENNIS, Richard C.                  JONES, Sarah Ann                  10/2/1834    Charles C. Taber and R.T. Hoskins, (dc)
DENSON, John B.                     BOUSHELL, Elizabeth               2/7/1848     James C. Bond and T.T. Hathaway
DESCHAMPE,Jacob                     RHODA, Ann                        1/27/1791    Augustine Deschampe and Jos. Blount
DICKINSON, James                    BUTLER, Priscella                 3/2/1808     Joseph Murray and Jam. Norfleet
DICKINSON, John                     HARE, Eliza Ann                   9/12/1809    John B. Blount and Jas. Norfleet
DIGIN, James                        CHAPMAN, Francis                  5/12/1776    Robert Egan, James Luten, James Carr
DILLARD, Willis                     DILLARD, Phillis                  5/6/1867     Richard Dillard
DIMRY, Bennet                       BANKS, Sally                      11/10/1820   Joseph Manning
DISHON, John                        HARROD, Janney                    2/15/1791    Gauston Dishon and Ann Blount
DISHON, Lewis                       RODDA, Elizabeth                  1/25/1786    Maurice Buckly and Lott Brewster
DITCHBURN, Bartholomew              McCLENNEN, Ann                    11/29/1779   Joseph Hardy
DIXON, Alexander                    McDONALD, Carrisand               7/4/1844     Casper Norcom and T.T. Hathaway
DIXON, George                       McDONALD, Mary B.                 3/13/1844    Casper Norcom and T.T. Hathaway
DOLBY, Stephen                      PARKER, Elizabeth                 2/21/1824    James Hinsby and Henry Wills.
DONALDSON, Henry A.                 MCDONALD, Elizabeth               2/19/1807    D. McDonald and Jas. Norfleet
DONALDSON, James                    WILLIAMS, Nancy                   6/3/1802     Dominque Murer and Wm. Norfleet
DONALDSON, Robert                   BENTLY, Betsy                     6/6/1796     Edward James and Wm. Norfleet
DONALDSON, Robert                   STEWART, Rosannah                 6/2/1788     John Webb and Jos. Blount
DONE, ?? Henry                      MILLER (widow), Margaret          3/25/1764    Thomas Jones
DORMODY, Thomas                     FLEURY, Ann                       7/4/1769     William Flury and Thomas Blount
DOUGLAS, Alexander                  WEBB, Elizabeth                   11/20/1777   John Blackbren and Frederick Vail
DOUGLAS, Joseph                     WOOD, Abigail                     3/13/1832    Edmund Hoskins
DOUGLASS, Holly                     FOSTER, Ann                       3/6/1829     Phillip Simpson and Edmund Hoskins
DUCKETT, William G.                 HARVEY, Mary E.                   11/24/1825   James B. Harvey
DUGLASS, William E.                 GOODMAN, Sarah Ann                5/2/1851     Married by D. McDonald (jp) 5/2/1851, Wm. H. Wilder, Wm. Skinner
DUKE, James H.                      LAURENCE, Betty V.                8/21/1860    Married by J.D. Wynn, (JP) 8/21/1860, Hiram Freeman and Wm. Skinner
DUKE, William (col)                 SKINNER (col), Mariah             7/31/1866    Married by Joseph A. Beebe (mg) 8/2/1866, Edward Mayo and Wm. Skinner
DUNSCOMB, James                     BADHAM, Sarah                     6/28/1788    Thomas Bent
DUNSCOMB, Samuel                    BUTLER (of Wilson), Hannaritta    12/21/1752   Mathew Thomas ?, Daniel Colman, Jas. Craven and William Halsey
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