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Miscellaneous Chowan County, North Carolina Marriages - 5

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GROOM                               BRIDE                             BOND DATE    BONDSMAN/WITNESS
=====                               =====                             =========    ================
EAGLES, Joseph                      COX, Caroline                     1/31/1820    James Iredell and Henry WILLS.
EARL, William                       WEBB, Mary                        9/9/1779     John Spooner
EASON, George                       COPELAND, Mary                    2/18/1851    Thomas Hollowell and Wm. Skinner
EASON, Jacob                        LASSITER, Rachel                  7/12/1832    Charles Creecy and Edmund Hoskins
EASON, Jacob                        WALTON, Mary                      11/21/1774   Frederick Lassiter and Thomas Jones
EASON, Joseph                       HURDLE, Jane                      1/4/1836     Abraham Hurdle and Edmund Hoskins
EASON, Timothy                      EASON, Sarah                      1/5/1866     Riddick Hurdle
EBORN, Zachariah                    LILES, Tamar                      1/31/1810    Lewis Blount and Wm. Norfleet
ECCLESTON, John                     GARRETT, Mary                     9/22/1785    William Rombough and Lott Brewster
EDES, Joseph                        CARLILES, Harriet                 2/14/1843    Willis Ellliot and T.T. Hathaway
EDES, William                       JORDAN, Nancy                     9/8/1818     Abner Greeen
EDNEY, Robert                       BOND, Mary                        6/16/1795    Lemuel Standin and Wm. Norfleet
EDWARDS, Francis M.                 BLAND, Frances L.                 12/21/1853   Married by ?. I. Johnston, (mg) 12/21/1853, Charles R. Hankins
EDWARDS, John Botner                CLARK, Catherine                  12/10/1792   Evan Simpson and Jos. Blount
EGAN, Robert                        DAILEY (widow), Sarah             3/16/1775    William Askeers and Clemt.? Hall
EGLESTON, Thomas                    ANNON, Sally Ann C                12/20/1858   James N. Floyd and Wm. Skinner
ELBECK, Joseph                      PAGET, Sarah                      9/3/1750     James Craven, Montfort Elbeck, Will Meares
ELBERSON, Aurt                      DAVIS, Jebodah                    4/27/1754    William Halsey and Arthur Allen
ELDER, James                        BLACK(widow), Jane                3/1/1773     John Black, Robert Hutch and Alexr. Callatly
ELDER, James                        SCOTT, Elizabeth                  8/23/1764    Henry Evans and Thomas Jones
ELLIOT, Josiah                      FELTON, Millisent                 2/10/1819    Stephen Elliott and Henry Wills
ELLIOT, Stephen                     THOMSON, Elizabeth                6/20/1789    James Parish and Jos. Blount
ELLIOTT, Albert R.                  HARVEY, Julianna B.               2/15/1854    Married by S.I. Johnston, (mg) 2/15/1854, William C. Wood, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, Alfred M.                  CHAMBERS, Mariah                  10/16/1822   Stephen Elliott, Henry Wills
ELLIOTT, Amaziah                    JORDAN, Jane                      6/18/1857    Married by West Leary 6/18/1857, Thomas Jordan, Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, Benjamin                   YOOMANS, Rhoda                    11/16/1803   H.A. Donaldson, Wm. E. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Candor (col)               EASON (col), Mary                 2/2/1867     Married by D.V. Etheridge 2/3/1867, Sam S. Skinner, Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, Elisha                     ELLIOTT, Ann                      12/4/1839    Nathaniel Hathaway and T.T. Hathaway
ELLIOTT, Elisha                     ELLIOTT, Sarah L.                 2/21/1843    James R..Lomitt and T.T. Hathaway
ELLIOTT, Ephraim                    HALL, Sarah                       12/24/1814   Henry Elliott
ELLIOTT, Ephraim B.                 CHESHIRE, Agnis                   9/15/1862    Married by Wm. J. Norfleet (mg) 9/16/1862, James R. Skinner, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, Foster                     BIRUM, Penelope                   6/30/1818    Vnchel Elliott and Henry Wills
ELLIOTT, Hague                      CANNON, Sophia                    11/8/1829    Baker Newby and Edmund Hoskins
ELLIOTT, Henry                      BOND, Rebecca                     1/25/1811    Ephraim Elliot
ELLIOTT, Humphrey                   WOODWARD, Lydia                   11/8/1866    Married by Jno. H. Phillips (mg) 11/8/1866, Nathaniel Woodward, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, John                       FLOYD, Martha                     12/21/1864   Married by Jos. H. Amiss, 12/22/11864, John H. Hall, Wm. Skinner
ELLIOTT, Josiah                     SIMPSON, Sarah                    8/16/1804    John Williams and Wm. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Myles                      ELLIOTT, Mylay                    1/11/1799    Caleb Elliott and Wm. B. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Myles                      ELLIOTT, Nancy                    10/1/1827    Willis Elliott
ELLIOTT, Myles                      NEWBORN, Fanny                    5/28/1823    James Reed and Henry Wills
ELLIOTT, Myles                      SIMPSON, Carolina                 8/28/1863    Wm. D. Welch
ELLIOTT, Silas                      HURDLE, Elizabeth                 3/1/1837     Allen Small and Saml. T. Bond
ELLIOTT, Silas                      HURDLE, Nancy                     9/27/1830    Jacob N. Parker and Edmund Hoskins
ELLIOTT, Solomon                    CHESHIRE, Sarah                   3/19/1815    Joseph Horniblow and Wm. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Solomon                    GREGORY, Rachel                   5/15/1797    John Fullinton and Wm. E. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Stephen                    BUNCH, Frances                    6/18/1787    Jno. Leeming and Jos. Blount
ELLIOTT, Stephen                    MATTHIAS, Mary                    5/31/1816    Joseph Manning
ELLIOTT, Theophilas                 WILDER, Sarah                     12/21/1829   William Burkitt and Edmund Hoskins
ELLIOTT, Townsend                   SIMONS, Sarah                     10/22/1795   Exum Elliott, Soloman Elliot, Wm. Norfleet
ELLIOTT, Vacheal                    ELLIOTT, Lydia                    8/20/1851    Married by Wm. Bratten (JP), 8/21/1851, Joseph B. Thach, 
                                                                                   W. H. Wilder
ELLIOTT, William                    HARRELL, Augusta A.               2/25/1863    Married by Jos. T. Waff (JP), 2/25/1863, Wm Skinner
ELLIOTT, William                    JOLLIFFE, Mary                    1/16/1843    Moses Burke and T.T. Hathaway
ELLIOTT, William                    WELCH, Eliza                      2/5/1838     Allen Small and Jno. Bush, clk
ELLIOTT, Willis                     JONES, Nancy                      3/13/1824    Myles Elliot and Henry Wills
ELLIOTT, Willis J.                  BATEMAN, Sarah                    12/15/1840   William Rea and T.T. Hathaway
ELLIOTT, Winslow                    ASBERN, Mary                      4/14/1786    Exum Elliott
ELLIS, Jeremiah                     BUNCH, Mary E.                    1/11/1867    Married by D.V. Etheridge 1/13/1867, Robert G. Mitchell, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
ENDLESS, Thomas                     JOHNSTON, Mary                    5/29/1779    Thomas Davis
EPPES, Willie J.                    COX, Ann C.                       5/26/1835    John W. Littlejohn and Edmund Hoskins
ESHON, James                        MANN, Francis                     11/29/1836   Samuel Bond and Edmund Hoskins
ETHERIDGE, Daniel                   HAGATHY, Ann                      3/27/1834    Richard T. Brownrigg
ETHERIDGE, Joseph W.                BRINKLEY, Martha Jane             1/7/1859     Married by Jno. B. Webb (MG), 1/12/1859, Thomas Cochran Jr. and 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
ETHERIDGE, Powers                   COTTEN, Sarah                     10/23/1800   King Luten and Wm. Norfleet
ETHERIDGE, Thomas                   GREEN, Elizabeth                  4/30/1835    Thomas J. Charlton, Edm. Hoskins. (Bride is widow of Edward Green)
EVANES, James                       ASBILL, Bestsey                   6/4/1808     John Twine and Jas. Norfleet
EVANS, Albert                       ELLIOTT, Mary Ann                 3/26/1851    Joseph S. Cannon, married by B.F. Welch on 4/5/1851
EVANS, Benjamin L.                  COFFIELD, Clarissa                2/23/1857    Married by Wm. J. Norfleet 2/23/1857, Thomas Evans, Wm. Skinner
EVANS, Edwin                        PARKER, Mary E.                   10/18/1835   Zachariah Evans and Edmund Hoskins
EVANS, Henry                        BYRUM, Catherine                  4/21/1860    Married by Silas White (jp) 4/25/1860 Jacob E. Evans and 
                                                                                   Wm. R. Skinner
EVANS, Henry                        WARD, Mary                        2/15/1823    Jacob Evans and Henry Wills
EVANS, Jacob E.                     BYRUM, Charlotte                  7/26/1859    Married by Silas White (jp) 8/16/1859, Henry Evans and Wm. Skinner
EVANS, James                        CHAPPLE, Huldy                    9/28/1807    James Ashbell and Jas. Norfleet
EVANS, James                        GOODWIN, Penelope                 3/19/1801    John Evans and Wm. Norfleet
EVANS, James                        JORDAN, Mariam                    2/11/1785    William Jordan and Lott Brewster
EVANS, Jeremiah                     TROTMAN, Agathy Ann               3/19/1853    Married by D.V.Etheridge 3/20/1853, Miles Goodwin, Wm. Skinner
EVANS, John                         ASBELL, Elizabeth                 8/18/1797    James Evans and Wm. Norfleet
EVANS, Josiah                       JORDAN, Elizabeth                 12/3/1859    Married by Jno. B. Webb (jp), 12/4/1859, Thomas Evans
EVANS, Josiah                       NEWBORN, Lavinia                  9/7/1848     Jeremiah Evans and T.T. Hathaway.
EVANS, Josiah                       PERRY, Martha                     1/26/1847    Harvey P. Goodwin and Wm. H. Wilder
EVANS, Peter                        BOYCE, Abigail                    8/10/1819    Julius Bunch, Henry Wills
EVANS, Robert                       JORDDAN, Temperance               8/14/1835    Timothy H. Evans
EVANS, Stark B.                     HOBBS, Esther                     1/16/1849    Wm. H. Elliot, T.T. Hathaway
EVANS, Thomas                       GOODWIN, Easter Ann               11/2/1859    Married by N. Chamberlin 11/3/1859, Charles E. Robinson, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
EVANS, Timothy                      JORDAN, Margaret                  5/23/1835    Robert Evans and Edm. Hoskins
EVANS, Willis                       WILLIAMS, Mary                    1/1/1833     Robert Evans and Edm. Hoskins
EVANS, Zachariah                    COFFIELD, Elizabeth               3/3/1808     Wm. Lane and Jas. Norfleet
EVANS, Zachariah                    GOODWIN, Penelope                 1/1/1850     Jeremiah Evans
EVANS, Zachariah                    JORDAN, Elizabeth                 3/10/1829    Willis Evans and T.T. Hathaway
EVERITT, Willey                     NORCOM, Elizabeth                 8/1/1820     Lemuel C. Bains and Henry Wills
EVERTON, John                       LOVE, Mary                        4/4/1795     Alexander Miller and Wm. Norfleet
EVERTON, William                    MILLER, Penny                     7/31/1806    John Mann and Wm. Norfleet
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