A Directory of Genealogy Volunteers
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Volunteer Rules

FIRST OF ALL...Bless you for being a volunteer!
1 - Don't overwhelm yourself!    State your limitations on ANY lookup site that you volunteer for.    Choose how many lookups you can do per day, week, etc.    Be as firm or as flexible as YOU want to be.
2 - Be considerate of the researcher.   Many of these are new to the hobby and it is important for them to have a good example that they can follow.
3 - If your query involves mileage, copies, or membership fees, don't overwhelm your pocketbook!   Let the researcher know that the lookup will involve fees BEFORE you do the lookup.    Be clear with "how much" and "how many".
4 - Follow the rules that are specific to the other volunteer sites that are linked to from GenLookups.
5 - Never let an email go unanswered; even if you can't find the data.    It is just as important to tell the researcher that the resource you have access to DOESN'T have the information for their records.


Copyright © 2002-2009 All Rights Reserved - Bill Cribbs