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Obituary and Death Notice Archives

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Surname Search Utility

David will accept lookup requests for the following county:

I'm in possession of two books listing wills of people from NJ from the years 1670 to 1750.  Am offering to do FREE look-ups by SURNAME ONLY!     Please don't ask for individuals.   Common surnames will take some time to produce, so be patient!  Once a surname has been posted to this site, I will accept individual questions on individuals, but kindly understand that I am only retyping what appears in these volumes, and have NO personal knowledge on 
ancestral/descendancy information.  Within each 'will' entry is information to let you know where to find the original documents at the state archive level.

Surname: (ONE surname per query)

Approximate date of death:

Your email:


Note: When you click on "Submit" you will be sending this query using your default email program.   Please click only once.  A new window will open with a "Thank You!" that let's you know it was sent.
Please allow ample time for David's research!


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