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Jan will accept lookup requests for the following county:
Orleans County, VT

I have these lookup resources here for Orleans County:
1) "Frontier Crossroads" the people of Newport, Vermont and the evolution of Newport, Vermont, vols. 1 and 2 by Emily M. Nelson, ©1977, 1978.
2) "A History of Irasburg, Vermont" by Marjorie A. Orcutt and Edward S. Alexander, ©1989.
3) "Memories of the Early Days in the Town of Troy, Vermont" by Anne Huckins Butterfield, ©1977.

Also, I have:
State of Vermont Roster of Soldiers:
4) in the Revolutionary War 1775-1783,
5) in the War of 1812-14,
6) in the Civil War, 
7) in the Spanish-American War 1898,
Republished by The Adjutant General, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Vermont, ©1998,

as well as
8) Franklin County lookup
"Montgomery Vermont The History of a Town" by W.R. Branthoover & Sara Taylor, ©1976.

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Please allow ample time for Jan's research!


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