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Surname Search Utility

L.E. will accept lookup requests for the following locations and resources:
Camden County, Missouri
The stated rate schedule is as follows:
"My base fee is $12.00, which includes two hours of research.  Each hour thereafter will be $6.00.  I also charge $3.00 for each photo of a headstone or military marker.  Money must be sent along with a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).  I ask that each person limit their request to two per surname each week, unless its for a couple's marriage record. "

Name of Person you are looking for

Your email

Which type of lookups?


Note: When you click on "Submit" you will be sending this query using your default email program.   Please click only once.  A new window will open with a "Thank You!" that let's you know it was sent.
Please allow ample time for L.E.'s research!


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