(Historical News - Obituaries - Birth Announcements
Wedding Announcements - Honor Rolls - Graduation Lists)

Obituary and Death Notice Archives

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Marlys will accept lookup requests for the following counties:
Clay Co., IA
 Dickinson Co., IA
O'Brien Co., IA
Osceola Co., IA

Can do county court house look ups no more than 5 at a time, also local newspaper obits available at the following libraries in IA: Spencer, Hartley, Sheldon, Sibley, Spirit Lake & Milford.   Will let you know when I can get to a request.  May be a small fee charged if you want copies of items mailed to you, to help pay for copying and mailing.

Name of Person

Approximate date of event

Your email


Note: When you click on "Submit" you will be sending this query using your default email program.   Please click only once.  A new window will open with a "Thank You!" that let's you know it was sent.
Please allow ample time for Marlys's research!


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