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Obituary and Death Notice Archives

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Mike will accept lookup requests for the following location:
Canada, British Columbia, Great Vancouver Area

"Hi there. My name is Mike Melen. I live in the Greater Vancouver, BC Canada area. I know how frustrating it can be when you are out of province, out of country or even half a world away and you need some help finding your British Columbia roots. This is where I can help you. I can get photocopies of the records that are on the BC Archives web site. I can also get photocopies of obits that are in The Vancouver Sun, The Province and The Victoria Times Colonist. I can take photos of the grave markers that are in the following cemeteries: Ocean View, Forest Lawn, Mountain View, Ocean View, North Vancouver Cemetery and Valley View. Here is the link for the BC Archives web site where you can search for Birth, Marriage and Death records. This is only a index to find the record. I will go to the source to get the copy of the record for you."

Name of Person you are looking for

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Please allow ample time for Mike's research!


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