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Robert will accept lookup requests for the following location:

I am willing to do lookups in the Sussex County, New Jersey area.  These may include the following reference works:

Barber, John W. and Henry Howe. Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey. NY: Clearfield, 1846.

Cunningham, John T. The East of Jersey: A History of The General Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey. NJ: New Jersey Historical Commission, 1992.

Cunningham, John T.  Colonial Histories: New Jersey. NJ: Nelson, 1971

McConville, Brendan. These Daring Disturbers of the Public Peace. NY: Cornell, 1999

McCormack, Richard P. New Jersey from Colony to State—1609-1789. NJ: Van Nostrand, 1964.

McCormack, Richard P. New Jersey From Colony to State--1609-1789, NJ: New Jersey Historical Society, 1964.

Nelson, William. New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes, from the New Jersey Archives. NJ: Clearfield, 1916.

Pomfret, John E. Colonial New Jersey: A History. NY: Scribner’s, 1973.

Pomfret, John E. The Province of West New Jersey, 1609-1702. NJ: Princeton, 1956.

Sarapin, Janice Kohl. Old Burial Grounds of New Jersey. NJ: Rutgers, 2002

Snell, James P. Ed. The History of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey. 

PA: Everts & Peck, 1881

I am also willing to do certain lookups at the Sussex County Courthouse, Sussex County Historical Society, Sussex County Clerk and Hall of Records, containing records such as,
- Deeds and Mortgages from 1785
- Births and manumission of slaves
- Court Records from 1760
- Naturalization Records from 1808 - 1987
- Naturalization Proceedings and Petitions
- Declarations of Intent
- Court Naturalization Records
- Marriages from 1795 – 1850
- Freeholder Meeting Records
- Corporate Records of Schools, Churches, and Libraries
- Grantor & Grantee Books
- Sussex County Library, Main Branch also has a large vertical file containing many Church, Cemetery and similar local records.

 Please note that, I am willing to do SIMPLE searches at no charge at convenient times, if a search will become longer and more involved, I will alert the individual accordingly. I also have access to a tremendous amount of resources in Warren and Morris Counties. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Name of Person

Which resource (from list above)?

Approximate date of event

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Please allow ample time for Robert's research!


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