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Trisha will accept lookup requests for the following counties:
Essex County, New Jersey

I can do lookups for the Fitz Randolph families from 1630-1950; I own both "The Desendents of Edward Fitz Randolph and Elizabeth Blossom" and "Supplement to the Fitz Randolph Genealogy" and I have a web site that is on that can be checked also; it is password protected so I would need to send you an invitation.    The Fitz Randolph family spent from 1639 to present day in the Piscataway area;  I am also a direct descendant and have complete genealogies for many families.   I also can do lookups in FTM NJ Marriages.

Name of Person

Approximate date of event

Your email


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Please allow ample time for Trisha's research!


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